Empowering Women together
Help to Collect
we need to collect 5000
Empower one woman and you empower the Nation!
Let us bring a revolutionary change to empowering females through realising a practical balance. Many movements out their provide an extreme ideology of empowerment. Feminism is one extreme while cultural pressures can sometimes be another extreme.
Every woman wants to feel empowered. To be empowered, we should not let others dictate how a women should live. Women should be self-determined and be able to think, feel and behave as a woman the way she is nurtured.
Through providing awareness to women about their empowerment and the barriers that effect it, let us discuss different ways of woman finding their right balance.
Donate $10 or more per month or once off to help provide support to women. Your donations provide AMAFHH federation with the funds they need to scale up their most successful women projects, as well as for providing counselling and social services and to respond quickly in times of crisis.
So make a difference, think globally and act locally!
Make every day International Women’s Day.
Do your bit to ensure that the future for Women/Girls is bright, equal, safe and rewarding.
Please Send Monetary Donations to:
Account Name: AMAFHH Federation INC
Bank Name: ANZ Bank
BSB Number: 013 664
Account Number: 287 685 253
If you have any questions about your Donation, please sms on 0422 851 536 or email: info@amafhh.org.au
Thank you in advance for your Compassion and Generosity.